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What We Do


Polish Library and Drop in Centre - 'Polska Biblioteka'

At the Polish Library we translate and Interpret: Polish to English, English to Polish.

We provide information and advice, help with form filling, access to the local community and much more:

English Language Workshops are available for Adults and also for Children


We are Open:


  • Monday 1pm to 3pm

  • Tuesday 10am to 6pm

  • Wednesday 11am to 3pm

  • Friday 10am to 6pm


Who to contact and how:


Our lead volunteers are Tamara and Hanka

Telephone: 01226 245319

Mobile: Tamara - 07767843718 or Hanka - 07759876670



Find us at Francis Jordan House, Wellington Street - (near the Alhambra, above the 'Big Man' Shop)


'Polska Biblioteka' is a non-profit organisation manned by volunteers.

Any membership fees or small charges for workshops etc go towards costs of maintaining the library.


From Tuesday 14 February 2017 we are working in partnership with The Barnsley Advice & Information Service (BAAIS) The new drop-in service is available to all Barnsley residents including speakers of other languages. Please visit our LINKS page to find out more about BAAIS and the drop-in service. The new service has been funded by The Central Ward Alliance.

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